Until digital prints replaced 35mm film, subtitles were “burned” onto the film itself. This changed in the digital era: subtitles exist separately now. This means that if they are not properly filed, they can be hard to find. That’s a problem Vassilis Kostantopoulos, who runs the gr2me movie section, faces daily. Several of the films he’s secured for the platform are missing subtitles. He knows they exist, but it will take some sleuthing to locate them. We briefly thought of delaying the launch of the pay-per-view component until all our features had subtitles. But we didn’t want to wait. So, we’ll continue showing the five-minute movie previews and replace them with
the full-length, subtitled versions as they become available.
A reminder: gr2me subscribers will receive an email with a code you can use to watch—for free— two movies of your choice. You can redeem the code for any movie available at the launch or wait until new titles appear. Either way, we hope you’ll enjoy movies regularly on gr2me. Apart from (we believe) the pleasure involved, it will be an incentive for distributors to make even more titles available to us—and to you.
Theo Kalomirakis, Founder